10 00pm
It's cold. Im soggy and trolleying back home. The oh-so-pleasant sound of the auto-rickshaw's backside complements the high pitch ringing in my ears.
5 00 pm
' It'll rain again man! Come ra, we'll take umbrella.'
'Mad eh?! It wont rain come.'
'Anyway you like to get wet no, gay.'
6 00 pm
'Come, we'll walk ra. Only 2 minutes.'
6 30 pm
'Only ten minutes more.'
A "2-minute walk" afterward, having braved the weather and terrain through godonlyknowswhere-land, the air told us we were finally there. ( Kind of like the Pandavas and dog story, the elements having depleted our numbers to 4, from the original 11.)
The extremely 'tight' security insisted I kept my soldering iron outside. (Unbelievable, I say!)
Anyway, when I was finally inside, iron and all, I was greeted by a voice that sounded like its owner had caught gangrene and lost hope. The poilcemen (stationed at "strategic" locations) would have probably done him (and the rest of us) a favour putting him down.
The stage was inhabted mostly by a bunch of ape-like creatures, clearly at the tribal stage of their evolution. Their leader,presumably, seemed particularly adept at making jungle noises and movements, sometimes provoking a section of the crowd to mimic.
Bushmen Frenzy!
More rain and more tribes prompty led us to the exit.
' It sucked! But tell everyone it was damn good, okay!
Hihikhihikhihikhihi!!! '
' Yea man...Hehehehe... otherwise rape only ra...'
'Hihikhihikhihikhihi!!! But it was fun man.'
10 00 pm
It's cold. Im soggy and trolleying back home. The oh-so-pleasant sound of the auto-rickshaw's backside complements the high pitch ringing in my ears.
'I wonder how long it will be before my extremities start falling off.'
haa ha! No wonder people didn't rub it in that I missed slobbery fields! I bet that "you like getting wet" guy was jiggar...
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